Clients Appreciate Our Distinctive Views and Tools

When a simplistic or cookie-cutter approach just isn’t good enough for your financial nest egg, we easily handle customized planning, rigorous opportunity and risk evaluation.

Clients Appreciate Our Distinctive Views and Tools

When a simplistic or cookie-cutter approach just isn’t good enough for your financial nest egg, we easily handle customized planning, rigorous opportunity and risk evaluation.

Distinctive views in financial planning

We Navigate the Complexities for You

We prepare tailored cash flow models for your retirement planning and estate tax structuring.

Retirement planning: Our planning tools and process help to ensure clients are fully prepared financially and mentally to transition from wages and wealth accumulation to full reliance on retirement savings and benefit distributions.

Estate tax planning: We work with high-net-worth families, tax and estate professionals to develop the cash flow models and account structures essential to implement solutions for business succession, ownership transfers, legacy gifts and social impact investing.

Tools That You Can Understand

To get a sense of the depth and breadth with which we approach your retirement and estate tax planning, evaluate our proprietary planning products.

Click here for the following sample reports:

  • Asset Plan
  • Retirement Plan
  • Investment Plan
  • Estate Plan

In addition to individualized reports, you will appreciate our dedication to providing objective insight and answers to all your ‘whys’ for complete clarity and better decision-making.

See report graph gallery

A Wealth of Information at Your Fingertips

Many people have a financial plan, but few have plans with risk controls to preserve capital in stormy market conditions.

Most investors, when confronting market stress events, struggle to assess their exposure. Additionally, investments held across asset classes, accounts, advisors and bank custodians can be challenging to manage.  Saffron WealthLock is a tool that keeps you on top of what’s going on with all of your assets, while defining risk response consistent with your capital preservation goals.

  • Monitor wealth day or night: Account consolidation provides a single point of clarity for total visibility and real-time monitoring of all your financial accounts.
  • Apply risk limits: Work with your Saffron advisor to translate your asset profile and risk appetite into a concrete set of risk limits — your WealthLock numbers — to preserve capital. The system then combines all activity across your accounts and will increase your WealthLock numbers as your account values grow.
  • Respond with confidence: If the value of your consolidated accounts declines and approaches your WealthLock numbers, our system leaps into action by alerting you and your advisors to act given predefined actions or risk response.

Customized risk management has never been easier. If “think long-term” is your advisor’s strategy for market risk, then you need to call us: 612-227-2485

At Your Service - Always

In any complex situation, what you don’t know can hurt you. Retirement and estate plan execution is no different.

Support and education are key to your financial success, especially when the goal is income maximization.  Our Concierge Services emphasize education first and act to fulfill client-directed actions. Embrace a systematic process to reduce stress – the benefits are measurable.

Concierge Services

  • Manage critical compliance dates and activities for Social Security/Medicare
  • Make informed decisions to maximize program income or health benefits
  • Simplify the administration of multiple investment assets and accounts
  • Adjust account distributions dynamically to manage liquidity and longevity
  • Direct long-term health care needs, solutions and budgeting in advance
  • Secure help with large medical insurance claims, disputes and appeals
  • Structure estate plans for targeted goals and after-tax cash flows
  • Administer trusts for beneficiaries, social impact and tax code changes
  • Structure expert advice, planning tools and execution as needed