March 28, 2022

S&P 500 Earnings Update – 1Q.2022

S&P 500 Earnings Update – 1Q.2022 Prelude to Earnings Season The first quarter earnings season is about to get underway and its worthwhile to review the latest earnings forecasts prior to the release of actual results. First, lets look at EPS guidance issued by companies since the first of the […]
March 15, 2022

Retirement Planning MasterClass

Retirement Planing MasterClass The Retirement Planning Masterclass was created to help you to better structure your retirement and investment plans, to better manage risk, and to preserve a comfortable lifestyle. Live Online Tuesdays, April 19 & 26 Time: 10:00am-11:30am Concordia University Saturdays, April 23 & 30 Time: 10:00am-11:30am 282 Concordia […]
March 2, 2022

February Returns and Asset Performance

Major Asset Classes February 2022 Performance Comparison Introduction February returns were dominated by events in Ukraine. Equity markets were down with only a few exceptions in emerging markets.  Value again led growth, consumer defensive stocks beat consumer cyclical stocks, and small-cap  beat large cap stocks.  A consistent theme in February […]